Friday, December 18, 2009
Christmas is coming!
THEN the day after Christmas I will be going to Senegal to meet my mom and my aunt in Dakar! We are going to spend a week traveling in Senegal and then a week in Mali. This glorious event has been the only thing on my mind for roughly the past two months; it has been a year and a half since I have seen either of them, so needless to say I am very excited!
Merry Christmas!
Friday, December 4, 2009
So you want to learn English.
TEXTE: Koffi’s Report
KOFFI: Oh it’s nice to be home.
DAVID: Was the bus full?
KOFFI: Yes it was. There were lots of people on it. I was between two very fat women.
DAVID: What about your exams? Were you top of your class?
KOFFI: We had them last week. They aren’t easy.
DAVID: Were you top of your class.
KOFFI: Well no I wasn’t top…I had a stomache-ache.
KALY: Have you got your report.
KOFFI: Emmm, no…dad has got it.
KALY: Here’s dad now. He looks angry.
FATHER: Look at your report Koffi. You’re 15 in English, 6 on French and nought in Maths. David bring me my big stick.
KOFFI: Oh no dad I’m sorry dad I was ill. My teachers don’t like me oh no dad no!
Friday, November 13, 2009
On the radio
Other than that things have been fine. My biggest frustration here is still language, followed by work. The cold season is approaching, which is lovely. There is a rumor that we are getting internet at our regional house, so I may be able to post more pictures soon.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Old habits die hard
I was called out by a man in my village for only extending my hand to women when I greet people. In Mauritania, it was highly inappropriate for a women to try to shake a man’s hand (and vice versa), and I could probably produce a complete list of the men who shook my hand during the year I spent there. As a result, and without even realizing it, I never try to shake men’s hands. Here, though, all men will shake my hand. So I am trying to change my behavior, although I am still a little nervous every time I shake a man’s hand that he will just look at me in disgust.
Reflecting the desert culture, Mauritanians (and Moors in particular) don’t bathe all too often. I bathed about every four days there, just because it was appropriate and there wasn’t very much water. In Mali, people expect me to bathe every day, and will remind me if I “forget.” The most common conversation that I have with my host-mother here goes like this:
“Have you bathed this evening?”
“What? Oh yeah, I’m going to.”
“Good, good, good.”
In Mauritania, the ungodly heat causes people to take cover for most of the afternoon. Walking the streets at 3 pm, you would have thought that you had entered a ghost town. I realized after a few weeks here that the four hour nap is no longer appropriate, and that work can indeed be done between noon and 5 pm.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Off to site
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Some Mali pictures
Monday, August 24, 2009
First post from Mali
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Last post before Mali
Please note the clever name change to this blog. The link, however, has not changed.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Al-Qaeda in Africa:
This one is about Peace Corps:
Monday, August 17, 2009
Episode IV: A New Hope
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
The end
This may come as a surprise to many of you, but it has been a long time coming. Mauritania has been experiencing random terrorist activity for a couple of years now, and it has intensified in the last year. Earlier this summer, an American teacher in the capital was murdered during a failed kidnapping attempt, and just last week a suicide bomber blew himself up in front of the French embassy. In both cases, al Qaeda claimed responsibility. A security team came in from Washington to do an evaluation, and deemed Mauritania unsafe for service. Thus, we find ourselves here, considering the next step.
The most difficult part of all of this is that in our everyday lives in Mauritania, there was no danger. Waking up to the sound of my host sister snoring, going to the elementary school to have tea with teachers, buying tomatos from the market, there was no sign that the country was changing or that our situation as foreign volunteers was in any way compromised. The danger is a fringe element that targets foreigners. We left Mauritania two weeks ago not knowing whether we would return, and there are so many goodbyes that were left unsaid. The people I knew and loved, who lived their lives with so much sincerity and kindness, are now people I will never see again.
I am not sure about my next step at this point: I am going to try to transfer to another program in West Africa. I will keep you all posted!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Eco-Health Camp Kankossa
Earlier this month was Eco-Health Camp, an annual project that Peace Corps does for girls in Mauritania. Volunteers from around the country each bring two girls to the camp, which this year was at my site, to learn about health and environmental issues like malaria, AIDS and STD's, hygiene, deforestation, and water conservation. For most of the girls, it was the farthest that they had ever traveled from home. The camp was a huge success-it girwas so fun to see groups interacting who usually wouldn't and girls doing things that they normally don't get to do, like games, sports, and silly songs.
Monday, June 15, 2009
A trip up north
Monday, May 4, 2009
Earth Day, Ecole 5
Earth Day, Ecole 2
Sunday, March 29, 2009
I am still alive
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Things are going well back in Kankossa-I was back for just three weeks after three weeks away for Christmas, which was an awkward amount of time. The biggest change in the past three weeks was that I moved. Typically I save major complaints for personal emails and my weekly chat with my mom, but I was extremely unhappy with the family I was living with for the past 5 months. I finally moved and found a room with a really nice woman and her two kids. I have only been living with them a week but already I am so much happier.
It was also strange coming back to Kankossa after three weeks away because I feel like it had modernized before my eyes. The town is three hours from a paved road, but recently got electricity. When I arrived 5 months ago it was on 4 hours a day, and now it is on from noon to midnight. The Education Inspection office just got two computers, so I have been giving them informal lessons on how to change their desktop backgrounds and not download viruses. I also came back to find that two of my neighbors had bought TV’s, which people here run off of electricity, gas generators, or car batteries. It changes the atmosphere so much. Instead of talking, people watch TV all day. I hesitate to pass judgment on this since a) it is still nothing compared to the sedentary habits of people in the U.S and b) it is not my place to tell people in a third world country that they should maintain a “traditional” lifestyle and forgo luxuries previously limited to wealthier nations. Still, it is interesting to see. The novelty has not worn off yet, although the consequences are beginning to show. One of the grade schools had a meeting last week with the APE (the parent-teacher association here) about how grades are dropping because the students watch TV all night instead of studying. Mauritania has not become the United States yet, though; a teacher in a tiny village 10 kilometers away told me they have a similar problem with kids not studying, but it is because they form drum circles into the wee hours of the morning instead of doing their homework.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
There and Back Again
I just finished up three weeks of traveling in
Food: My stomach did not always like it, but this entire vacation was basically an excuse to eat ten meals a day. (Sub)highlights: Chinese food, Vietnamese food, grapefruit Fanta, egg sandwiches, popcorn, beer, margaritas, pizza, chicken, avocados, cheese, chocolate, ham, Ben & Jerry’s (so expensive!), candy, coffee, jujubes, and oranges.